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November 20, 2007


I fondly remember this topic from a while ago. What's at odds here I think are the needs of communicating design to an industry still on the uptake in terms of BIM interaction. I fully appreciate that tweaking display graphics aren't a development priority, and that someday when we send sheet metal models to factories without drawings, nobody will care what the symbols look like. In the meantime, Revit still has to live in a somewhat more traditional world, and until we can communicate directly from a model, graphics will be a part of the process. Anything that allows flexibility to keep graphics clear, removing some more superficial roadblocks to BIM implementation in the process, well that's a good thing to me. Just my two Canadian cents.

Kyle, good info.

Mitchell Clark, .. Well said.

You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from CadKicks.com

Thank you for this blog and your videos. I am evaluating Revit MEP for an A-M-E firm that currently uses about 200 AutoCAD seats. Management is considering changing over to Revit for everything. The PE's that sign the jobs and the plumbers who read the drawings expect to see schematic representations of the design.

Construction Documents that convey the designed intent of the MEP systems is clearly one of your goals. Customizable graphics (plumbing risers) are mandatory, in order to accurately and quickly convey design intent. You can't expect an entire industry to give up tradition very soon. The true end-user of our product is the man in the ditch or on the ladder.

The symbols are incorrect for construction documents (based on industry standards) for ductwork rise/drops (all choices are wrong).

That is not the feedback that we have gotten from others, so perhaps your "Industry Standard" is based on a more localized Documentation Standard.

What are the symbols you typically use for documenting Rise/Drops in your ductwork? Feel free to send me an e-mail (address in my bio) with examples if you want.


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